Source code for meshpresso

# _*_ coding: utf_8 _*_
- check python3
import meshpresso_misc as misc
from collections import defaultdict, OrderedDict
import pickle
import pprint
import os

file_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
element_library = misc.ElementLibrary()

    import jinja2
except ImportError:
    print('warning! jinja2 not available. it will not be possible to export mesh\n')

[docs]class Node(object): """used to create node objects from external data attributes ---------- label: int node number coordinates: tuple node coordinates """ def __init__(self, n_label, n_coords): """node class constructor. parameters ---------- n_label: int node number n_coords: tuple node coordinates (x,y,z) """ self.label = n_label self.coordinates = n_coords def __repr__(self): return 'nd_%d' % self.label def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, Node): return (self.label == other.label) else: return False def __hash__(self): return hash(self.__repr__())
[docs] def change_label(self, new_label): """a function to change node label parameters ---------- new_label: int new node number """ self.label = new_label
[docs]class Element(object): """class used to store information about elements, theirs type, label and connection to nodes attributes ---------- type: str element type (eg C3D4) label: int element number connectivity: list list of nodes that element is based on """ def __init__(self, el_type, el_label, el_connect, part_all_nodes): """element object constructor parameters ---------- el_type: str type of the element el_label: int element number el_connect: list list of **indices** that will be used to retrieve node objects from list of all nodes part_all_nodes: list list of all node objects retrieved from the current part """ self.type = element_library.convert_to_general(str(el_type)) self.label = el_label self.connectivity = [part_all_nodes[c] for c in el_connect] def __repr__(self): return 'el_%d' % self.label def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, Element): return (self.label == other.label) else: return False def __hash__(self): return hash(self.__repr__())
[docs] def change_label(self, new_label): """a function to change element label parameters ---------- new_label: int new element number """ self.label = new_label
[docs] def get_node_labels(self): """function returns labels of nodes which building the element returns ------- list list of integers describing node labels """ return [n.label for n in self.connectivity]
def get_calculix_el_surfaces(self, surf_nodes_labels, surf_side): # import variable from misc module ccx_surf_definiton = misc.ccx_surface_definiton # list of element faces which are part of surface definition element_faces_list = [] # common values from two lists intersection = lambda x, y: [i for i in x if i in y] # calculix definition of element faces topology = self.type[0] el_surf_def = ccx_surf_definiton[topology] # if topology in ('solid_tet', 'solid_wedge', 'solid_hex'): for face, nodes_label_indices in el_surf_def.items(): node_labels = map(lambda i: self.connectivity[i].label, nodes_label_indices) common_nodes = intersection(node_labels, surf_nodes_labels) if len(common_nodes) == len(node_labels): element_faces_list.append(face) return element_faces_list def get_salome_nodes_from_three_dim_elements(self, surf_nodes): # import variable from misc module salome_surf_definiton = misc.salome_surface_definiton # lambda function - common values from two lists intersection = lambda x, y: [i for i in x if i in y] # dict which acts like a switch # keys are the number of nodes and value is # the corresponding 2D element # num_nodes_to_eltype = { 3: '41', 4: '44', 6: '42', 8: '45', } # set temporary storage surface_nodes = [] # get salome format for this element topology = element_library.convert_to_specific_format(general_format=self.type, output='UNV') # get salome element surf definition el_surf_def = salome_surf_definiton[topology] # for each face in the element definition for face, nodes_indices in el_surf_def.items(): # find corresponding nodes el_face_nodes = map(lambda i: self.connectivity[i], nodes_indices) # find common nodes with those which are in the surface nodes definition common_nodes = intersection(el_face_nodes, surf_nodes) # check if each node on a particular element face # was found in the common node if all(n in common_nodes for n in el_face_nodes): # find which type of 2D element will be created salome_element_type = num_nodes_to_eltype[len(el_face_nodes)] # append the type of element and particular nodes surface_nodes.append((salome_element_type, el_face_nodes)) # repeat for loop for each face on element # return nodes together with new element type return surface_nodes
[docs]class PartMesh(object): """PartMesh is an object used to store mesh properties for a given part. attributes ---------- name: str name of the part nodes: list of node objects list of the node objects elements: list list of the element objects elements_by_type: defaultdict(list) dictionary of elements grouped by element type el_set: defaultdict(list) dictionary of element sets grouped by element set name n_set: defaultdict(list) dictionary of node sets grouped by node set name surfaces : defaultdict(list), optional dictionary of surfaces {surf_name: {'nodes': n_set, 'elements': el_set, 'sides': string}, by default None """ def __init__(self, part_name, part_nodes, part_elements, element_sets=None, node_sets=None, surfaces=None): """PartMesh constructor parameters ---------- part_name : str name of the part part_nodes : list list of node objects part_elements : list list of element objects element_sets : defaultdict(list), optional dictionary of elements sets {set_name: list of set elements}, by default None node_sets : defaultdict(list), optional dictionary of node sets {set_name: list of set nodes}, by default None surfaces : defaultdict(list), optional dictionary of surfaces {surf_name: {'nodes': n_set, 'elements': el_set, 'sides': string}, by default None """ = part_name self.nodes = part_nodes self.elements = part_elements self.elements_by_type = self.get_elements_by_type() if element_sets is None: self.el_set = defaultdict(list) else: self.el_set = element_sets if node_sets is None: self.n_set = defaultdict(list) else: self.n_set = node_sets if surfaces is None: self.surfaces = defaultdict(list) else: self.surfaces = surfaces self.ccx_el_set_surf_def = defaultdict(list)
[docs] @classmethod def from_abaqus_cae(cls, abq_part): """function to initiate object from abaqus part. parameters ---------- abq_part : abq_part abaqus part object returns ------- part_mesh object containing part mesh definition """ # define part name name = # create list of all nodes nodes = [Node(n.label, n.coordinates) for n in abq_part.nodes] # create list of all elements elements = [Element(e.type, e.label, e.connectivity, nodes) for e in abq_part.elements] n_set = defaultdict(list) el_set = defaultdict(list) current_node_labels = [n.label for n in nodes] current_el_labels = [e.label for e in elements] for abq_set_name, abq_set_values in dict(abq_part.sets).items(): # get labels from abaqus database node_label_list = [n.label for n in abq_set_values.nodes] # for each node get index from the list of current nodes list_of_indices = [current_node_labels.index(lab) for lab in node_label_list] # from list of indices get list of node objects list_of_nodes = [nodes[i] for i in list_of_indices] # n_set['n_' + abq_set_name] = list_of_nodes n_set[abq_set_name] = list_of_nodes element_label_list = [el.label for el in abq_set_values.elements] list_of_indices = [current_el_labels.index(lab) for lab in element_label_list] list_of_elements = [elements[i] for i in list_of_indices] # el_set['el_' + abq_set_name] = list_of_elements el_set[abq_set_name] = list_of_elements surfaces = defaultdict(list) for abq_surf_name, abq_surf_values in dict(abq_part.surfaces).items(): node_label_list = [n.label for n in abq_surf_values.nodes] list_of_indices = [current_node_labels.index(lab) for lab in node_label_list] list_of_nodes = [nodes[i] for i in list_of_indices] list_of_unique_nodes = sorted(list(set(list_of_nodes)), key=lambda n: n.label) n_set['s_' + abq_surf_name] = list_of_unique_nodes element_label_list = [el.label for el in abq_surf_values.elements] list_of_indices = [current_el_labels.index(lab) for lab in element_label_list] list_of_elements = [elements[i] for i in list_of_indices] list_of_unique_elements = sorted(list(set(list_of_elements)), key=lambda e: e.label) el_set['s_' + abq_surf_name] = list_of_unique_elements surfaces[abq_surf_name] = {'nodes': n_set['s_' + abq_surf_name], 'elements': el_set['s_' + abq_surf_name], 'sides': str(abq_surf_values.sides[0])} return cls(part_name=name, part_nodes=nodes, part_elements=elements, element_sets=el_set, node_sets=n_set, surfaces=surfaces)
def __str__(self): return pprint.pformat(self.__dict__, width=2) def __repr__(self): return 'part_%s' %
[docs] def get_nodes_from_label_list(self, label_list): """function to retrieve the nodes from list of node labels parameters ---------- label_list: list list of integers describing node labes returns ------- list list of node objects """ current_labels = [n.label for n in self.nodes] list_of_indices = [current_labels.index(lab) for lab in label_list] list_of_nodes = [self.nodes[i] for i in list_of_indices] return list_of_nodes
[docs] def get_elements_from_label_list(self, label_list): """function to retrieve the elements from list of elements labels. parameters ---------- label_list: list list of integers referring to element labels returns ------- list list of element objects """ current_labels = [e.label for e in self.elements] list_of_indices = [current_labels.index(lab) for lab in label_list] list_of_elements = [self.elements[i] for i in list_of_indices] return list_of_elements
[docs] def get_elements_by_type(self): """function used to create a dictionary of elements with element types used as keys returns ------- defaultdict(list) dictionary of elements with elementtypes used as keys """ element_by_type = defaultdict(list) for e in self.elements: element_by_type[e.type].append(e) return element_by_type
def renumber_nodes(self, new_label_list): # range_of_labels = xrange(start_label, len(self.nodes) + start_label) map(lambda node, new_lab: node.change_label(new_lab), self.nodes, new_label_list) def renumber_elements(self, new_label_list): # range_of_labels = xrange(start_label, len(self.nodes) + start_label) map(lambda element, new_lab: element.change_label(new_lab), self.elements, new_label_list)
[docs] def set_element_type_format(self, new_format): """function to change element types in dictionary elements_by_type (for example from c3_d20_r to 116) parameters ---------- new_format : str new format (eg 'UNV') """ # create a temporary dict temp_element_by_type = defaultdict(list) # iterate over all element types in the dict for el_type_name, el_values in self.elements_by_type.items(): # get new format for each type of element new_el_type = element_library.convert_to_specific_format(general_format=el_type_name, output=new_format) # new_el_type = self.get_diff_format_for_el_type(old_el_type=el_type_name, # new_mesh_format=new_format) for e in el_values: e.type = new_el_type temp_element_by_type[new_el_type] = el_values # swap temporary dict with dict with new formats self.elements_by_type = temp_element_by_type
[docs] def reorder_nodes_in_el_definition(self, mesh_format): """function used to reorder nodes. by default the node order is the same as in abaqus. parameters ---------- mesh_format : str format of mesh to be converted to """ # c3_d20_r # abq = [5, 6, 8, 7, 1, 2, 4, 3, 12, 11, # 10, 9, 13, 14, 15, 16, 18, 17, 19, 20] # unv = [5, 12, 6, 11, 8, 10, 7, 9, 18, 17, 19, # 20, 1, 13, 2, 14, 4, 15, 3, 16] # c3_d10 # abq = [4, 3, 1, 2, 7, 6, 5, 9, 8, 10] # unv = [4, 7, 3, 6, 1, 5, 9, 8, 10, 2] # c3_d15 # abq = [3, 2, 1, 6, 5, 4, 9, 8, 7, 10, 11, 12, 14, 13, 15] # unv = [3, 9, 2, 8, 1, 7, 14, 13, 15, 6, 10, 5, 11, 4, 12] # idx _ order to be used in function # idx = [abq.index(i) for i in unv] unv_format = { '118': [0, 4, 1, 5, 2, 6, 7, 8, 9, 3], '113': [0, 6, 1, 7, 2, 8, 12, 13, 14, 3, 9, 4, 10, 5, 11], '116': [0, 8, 1, 9, 2, 10, 3, 11, 16, 17, 18, 19, 4, 12, 5, 13, 6, 14, 7, 15], '42': [0, 5, 1, 4, 2, 3], '45': [0, 4, 1, 5, 2, 6, 3, 7], } def change_order(elements, order): for el in elements: el.connectivity = [el.connectivity[i] for i in order] if mesh_format == 'UNV': for el_type, elements in self.elements_by_type.items(): if el_type in unv_format.keys(): order = unv_format[el_type] change_order(elements, order)
[docs]class Mesh(object): """Mesh is the most general class used to import, store and export mesh data. the idea is to initialise the constructor, then import mesh from db file. finally, the mesh can be exported to an external format. for example >>> mesh = Mesh() >>> mesh.import_from_db_file(path_to_db_file='mesh.db') >>> mesh.export_to_calculix(exported_filename='calculix.inp') >>> mesh.export_to_unv_format(exported_filename='salome.unv') attributes ---------- model_name : string name of imported model parts : list list of imported parts assembly_mesh: dictionary the dictionary contains parts, but those have renumbered\ node and element labels, so that the labels are not\ repeating """ coordinate_system = dict(part_UID = 1, part_name = 'SMESH_Mesh', label = 1, type_ = 0, color = 0, name = 'Global Cartesian Coordinate System', transf_matrix = [[1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 0]] ) default_unit = 1 units_descriptions = ['SI: Meter (newton)', 'BG: Foot (pound f)', 'MG: Meter (kilogram f)', 'BA: Foot (poundal)', 'MM: mm (milli newton)', 'CM: cm (centi newton)', 'IN: Inch (pound f)', 'GM: mm (kilogram f)', 'US: USER_DEFINED', 'MN: mm (newton)' ] units = dict(units_code = default_unit, units_description = units_descriptions[default_unit-1], temperature_mode = 2, length_factor = 1, force_factor = 1, temperature_factor = 1, temperature_offset = 2.7314999999999998E+2 ) def __init__(self, model_name, dict_of_parts, asbly_element_sets=None, asbly_node_sets=None, asbly_surfaces=None): self.model_name = model_name = dict_of_parts # assembly element sets if asbly_element_sets is None: self.el_set = defaultdict(list) else: self.el_set = asbly_element_sets # assembly node sets if asbly_node_sets is None: self.n_set = defaultdict(list) else: self.n_set = asbly_node_sets # assembly surfaces if asbly_surfaces is None: self.surfaces = defaultdict(list) else: self.surfaces = asbly_surfaces self.renumber_mesh() self.ccx_el_set_surf_def = defaultdict(list) def get_all_nodes(self): # from each part get node then create a set to avoid duplicates # then create a list all_nodes = list({n for p in for n in p.nodes}) # sort the list all_nodes.sort(key=lambda n: n.label) # return all nodes return all_nodes def get_all_elements(self): # from each part get element then create a set to avoid duplicates # then create a list all_elements = list({e for p in for e in p.elements}) element_by_type = defaultdict(list) for element in all_elements: element_by_type[element.type].append(element) for key, value in element_by_type.items(): element_by_type[key] = sorted(value, key=lambda x: x.label) return element_by_type def set_asbly_sets_and_surf(self, node_sets=False, element_sets=False, surfaces=False): for part in if surfaces: for surf_name, surf_value in part.surfaces.items(): self.surfaces[ + '-' + surf_name] = surf_value if element_sets: for elset_name, elset_value in part.el_set.items(): self.el_set[ + '-' + elset_name] = elset_value if node_sets: for nset_name, nset_value in part.n_set.items(): self.n_set[ + '-' + nset_name] = nset_value def __str__(self): if len(self.__dict__.keys()) == 0: return 'mesh object is empty. data needs to be loaded first' return pprint.pformat(self.__dict__, width=2)
[docs] @classmethod def import_from_abaqus_cae(cls, abq_model_name, abq_root_assembly): """function to initiate the mesh object parameters ---------- abq_model_name : str name of the abaqus model abq_part_list : list list of abaqus parts to export mesh from returns ------- Mesh object containing model mesh definition """ parts = OrderedDict((, PartMesh.from_abaqus_cae(p)) for p in abq_root_assembly.allInstances.values() if p.excludedFromSimulation is False) n_set = defaultdict(list) e_set = defaultdict(list) for set_name, set_values in abq_root_assembly.sets.items(): if set_values.nodes: temp_dict = defaultdict(list) map(lambda n: temp_dict[n.instanceName].append(n.label), set_values.nodes) for inst, n_labels in temp_dict.items(): n_objects = parts[inst].get_nodes_from_label_list(label_list=n_labels) # n_set['n_' + set_name].extend(n_objects) n_set[set_name].extend(n_objects) if set_values.elements: temp_dict = defaultdict(list) map(lambda e: temp_dict[e.instanceName].append(e.label), set_values.elements) for inst, e_labels in temp_dict.items(): e_objects = parts[inst].get_elements_from_label_list(label_list=e_labels) # e_set['el_' + set_name].extend(e_objects) e_set[set_name].extend(e_objects) asbly_surfaces = defaultdict(list) for surf_name, surf_values in abq_root_assembly.surfaces.items(): asbly_surfaces[surf_name] = defaultdict(list) temp_dict = defaultdict(list) map(lambda n: temp_dict[n.instanceName].append(n.label), surf_values.nodes) for inst, n_labels in temp_dict.items(): n_objects = parts[inst].get_nodes_from_label_list(label_list=n_labels) asbly_surfaces[surf_name]['nodes'].extend(n_objects) temp_dict = defaultdict(list) map(lambda e: temp_dict[e.instanceName].append(e.label), surf_values.elements) for inst, e_labels in temp_dict.items(): e_objects = parts[inst].get_elements_from_label_list(label_list=e_labels) asbly_surfaces[surf_name]['elements'].extend(e_objects) asbly_surfaces[surf_name]['sides'] = str(surf_values.sides[0]) return cls(model_name=abq_model_name, dict_of_parts=parts, asbly_element_sets=e_set, asbly_node_sets=n_set, asbly_surfaces=asbly_surfaces)
[docs] @classmethod def import_from_db_file(cls, path_to_db_file): """function to initiate the mesh object parameters ---------- path_to_db_file : str path to the db file returns ------- mesh object containing model mesh definition """ with open(path_to_db_file, 'rb') as handle: mesh = pickle.load(handle) return cls(model_name=mesh['model_name'], dict_of_parts=mesh['part_dict'], asbly_element_sets=mesh['element_set'], asbly_node_sets=mesh['node_set'], asbly_surfaces=mesh['surfaces'])
[docs] def save_to_db_file(self, name_of_db_file): """function to save model data to db file parameters ---------- name_of_db_file : str name of the file that will be used to store data """ dict_to_save = {'model_name': self.model_name, 'part_dict':, 'element_set': self.el_set, 'node_set': self.n_set, 'surfaces': self.surfaces, } with open(name_of_db_file, 'wb') as handle: pickle.dump(dict_to_save, handle, protocol=pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) print('mesh has been written into {0} file'.format(name_of_db_file))
[docs] def renumber_mesh(self): """function computes mesh at assembly level from list of part objects. the returned dictionary contains parts with renumbered nodes and elements returns ------- defaultdict(list) dictionary of parts """ num_part_nodes = [len(part.nodes) for part in] all_nodes = range(1, sum(num_part_nodes)+1) num_part_elements = [len(part.elements) for part in] all_elements = range(1, sum(num_part_elements)+1) slice = lambda list, s: (list[:s], list[s:]) new_numbering = [] for nodes_len, elem_len in zip(num_part_nodes, num_part_elements): part_nodes, all_nodes = slice(all_nodes, nodes_len) part_elements, all_elements = slice(all_elements, elem_len) new_numbering.append((part_nodes, part_elements)) for i, part in enumerate( part_name, part_value = part part_value.renumber_nodes(new_label_list=new_numbering[i][0]) part_value.renumber_elements(new_label_list=new_numbering[i][1])
[docs] def get_calculix_surf_definition(self): """function converts surfaces into format appropriate for calculix. returns: dict: dictionary with surface name as keys and dictionary surface definition as value """ # the idea below is to iterate over each surface definition and find # out what are the surface nodes and compare them with nodes from each # element defined in the surface. once compared it is possible to figure # out which face is used in the definition based on index of surf_node # in element_node. # print dict(self) # self.ccx_el_set_surf_def = defaultdict(list) ccx_el_set_surf_def = defaultdict(list) # for each surface define for surf_name, surf_value in self.surfaces.items(): # get node labels from surface definition node_labels = [n.label for n in surf_value['nodes']] # set temporary value temp_surface_definition = defaultdict(list) # for each element in surface definition for e in surf_value['elements']: # find list of pairs [(element, surface face),..] element_faces_list = e.get_calculix_el_surfaces(surf_nodes_labels=node_labels, surf_side=surf_value['sides']) # add values to temporary surface dict map(lambda face : temp_surface_definition[face].append(e), element_faces_list) # for each item in {'el_face': [el_1, el_2,..]} for face, elements in temp_surface_definition.items(): # create name set name_of_elset = 's_' + surf_name + '_' + face # add element set to self for each face self.el_set[name_of_elset] = elements # add apprioprate naming to temporary dict ccx_el_set_surf_def[surf_name].append((name_of_elset, face)) return ccx_el_set_surf_def
[docs] def export_to_calculix(self, exported_filename): """function to export mesh to calculix format parameters ---------- exported_filename : str name of the file to export mesh (eg 'calculix.inp') """ self.set_asbly_sets_and_surf(node_sets=True, element_sets=True, surfaces=True) ccx_el_set_surf_def = self.get_calculix_surf_definition() # get calculix/abaqus element format for each part for part in part.set_element_type_format(new_format='CCX') # prepare a dict which will be used to render things in template render_dict = {'model_name': self.model_name, 'parts':, 'assembly_el_sets': self.el_set, 'assembly_n_sets': self.n_set, 'assembly_ccx_surfaces': ccx_el_set_surf_def} # load jinja template from file # template_loader = jinja2.FileSystemLoader(searchpath=file_path) template_env = jinja2.Environment(loader=template_loader) template = template_env.get_template("calculix.tmplt") # render template with dict output_text = template.render(render_dict) # remove all empty lines output_text = '\n'.join([i for i in output_text.split('\n') if len(i)]) output_text += '\n' # save input deck with open(exported_filename, 'w') as f: f.write(output_text) print('Mesh exported to {0}'.format(exported_filename))
[docs] def set_salome_surf_definition(self): """function converts surfaces into format appropriate for salome. returns: dict: dictionary with surface name as keys and dictionary surface definition as value """ # find total number of elements num_part_elements = [len(part.elements) for part in] all_elements = range(1, sum(num_part_elements)+1) # for each surface defined at the assembly leve for surf_num, surf_items in enumerate(self.surfaces.items()): # unpack surface name and values surf_name, surf_value = surf_items # set temporary storage for nodes temp_surf_def = [] # for each element in surface definition for e in surf_value['elements']: # find list of pairs [(element type, [nd_1, nd_2, nd_3])] el_surf_nodes = e.get_salome_nodes_from_three_dim_elements(surf_nodes=surf_value['nodes']) # extend the temporary storage temp_surf_def.extend(el_surf_nodes) # repeat for all elements in the loop # set temporary storage for surface elements surf_part_elements = [] for el_num, el_surf_def in enumerate(temp_surf_def,1): # unpack element type and element nodes el_type, el_nodes = el_surf_def # get indices of all surface nodes indices = [surf_value['nodes'].index(i) for i in el_nodes] # create a new element element = Element(el_type=el_type, el_label=all_elements[-1] + el_num + surf_num, el_connect=indices, part_all_nodes=surf_value['nodes']) # add all elements to temporary storage surf_part_elements.append(element) # create a new part mesh part = PartMesh(part_name=surf_name, part_nodes=surf_value['nodes'], part_elements=surf_part_elements) # add new part to the dictionary of parts[surf_name] = part # add new node set self.n_set[ + '-' + surf_name].extend(surf_value['nodes']) # add new elements set self.el_set[ + '-' + surf_name].extend(surf_part_elements)
# repeat for all surface definitions
[docs] def export_to_unv_format(self, exported_filename): """function to export to unv format parameters ---------- exported_filename : str name of the file to export mesh (eg 'salome.unv') """ # Compute all node/element sets and surfaces at assembly # rather than parts self.set_asbly_sets_and_surf(surfaces=True) # compute salome surface definitions self.set_salome_surf_definition() self.set_asbly_sets_and_surf(node_sets=True, element_sets=True) for part in part.set_element_type_format(new_format='UNV') part.reorder_nodes_in_el_definition(mesh_format='UNV') # nodes sorted by label all_nodes = self.get_all_nodes() # elements sorted by type and label all_elements_dict = self.get_all_elements() # sort elements in all_elements_dict # set new naming for node sets # new_nset_name = ['NSET_{}'.format(n) for n, nset in enumerate(self.n_set,1)] new_nset_name = ['N_{}_'.format(num) + nset_tup[0][:6].replace('-','_') for num, nset_tup in enumerate(self.n_set.items(), 1)] all_nsets = OrderedDict(zip(new_nset_name, self.n_set.values())) # set new naming for element sets # new_elset_name = ['ELSET_{}'.format(e) for e, elset in enumerate(self.el_set,1)] new_elset_name = ['E_{}_'.format(num) + elset_tup[0][:6].replace('-','_') for num, elset_tup in enumerate(self.el_set.items(), 1)] all_elsets = OrderedDict(zip(new_elset_name, self.el_set.values())) # sorts the sets according to element typ for key, value in all_elsets.items(): all_elsets[key] = sorted(value, key=lambda x: x.type) # prepare a dict which will be used to render things in template render_dict = {'model_name': self.model_name, 'coord_sys': self.coordinate_system, 'units': self.units, 'all_nodes': all_nodes, 'all_elements_dict': all_elements_dict, 'all_node_sets': all_nsets, 'all_element_sets': all_elsets } # render_dict = {'parts':} # load jinja template from file # template_loader = jinja2.FileSystemLoader(searchpath=file_path) template_env = jinja2.Environment(loader=template_loader) template = template_env.get_template("unv.tmplt") # render template with dict output_text = template.render(render_dict) # remove all empty lines output_text = '\n'.join([i for i in output_text.split('\n') if len(i)]) # save input deck with open(exported_filename, 'w') as f: f.write(output_text) print('Mesh exported to {0}'.format(exported_filename))